Allergy Season is here… BodyTalk can help!

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Allergies and Intolerances

Allergies are categorized as the body’s immediate reactions to one or more substances. The reactions involve symptoms such as hives, rashes, diarrhea, sneezing, itching, or nausea. Allergies are caused by a complex mixture of chemical imbalances, emotional holdings, belief systems, environmental disturbances, and genetic weaknesses.

Intolerances, often food-related, are categorized as a slower, more insidious reaction that the body has to one or more substances. The reactions may not start to occur for a few days after contact with the substance, making it more difficult to identify. Symptoms of intolerance can include arthritic joints, digestive disorders, autoimmune disorders, headaches, skin disorders, and chronic fatigue.


Using BodyTalk, we desensitize the body without elimination diets or reactions. Your body can learn to integrate these substances rather than having to fight against them. It is unique to the BodyTalk System that you can learn to live with a reactive substance, integrating it into your lifestyle, rather than avoiding it. Unlike some other allergy treatment programs, BodyTalk involves a short series of sessions and follow up. Your body will become desensitized to the substance while restoring your immune response and overall health.

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